Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's been a long time

I haven't been good about this at all. So, what's new, different or challenging in my life? Let's see.

1. My beloved baby Ben (my Pomeranian) is at the vet's right now. Losing his "manhood." He brings me such joy. I love that dog beyond words.

2. Jesse, a friend of my daughters', is living with us for a while. She is pregnant, 17. Bad family situation. She is getting an abortion next week. I support her right to make that choice. But it makes me sad, too.

3. Quiera quit her job two days ago. I have no idea what she's going to do. And as of Monday, she is no longer covered under our insurance.

4. Tia is doing okay, but just had another bout of migraines. She's trying a new med to try and prevent them. Don't know yet if it will work. She is being a total slouch with school work, and is going to end up with several incompletes, I believe. I don't know what is wrong with her. And neither does she.

5. Found out last week that my brother's wife, Shannon, has breast cancer. She's already had a double mastectomy and her first round of chemo. She is very brave, and definitely a fighter. Her prognosis is not good, but she intends to beat it.

6. My health is so-so. Had lots of chest discomfort for a while, but that's better right now. Currently I'm having more problems with fatigue (I don't seem to have energy bursts at all anymore) and musculoskeletal pains. I had an EEG and brain MRI recently to be sure I wasn't having seizures, and my brain scored an A+ in health, with no problems at all, which is good news. I see my sarcoid dr. next week.

7. Quiera and Chris both have a birthday on Monday 12th. I have no clue what I'm going to do for either of them. Qui will be 19, Chris will be 43.

8. I've been doing a LOT of scrapping and papercrafting. I think I'm up to 20 layouts so far this year, and more than ten cards.

Now something just for fun. Saw this on another blog. The endings are mine.

A bird in the hand ... will poop on you
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a... spending a lot at the gas station
A miss is as good as a... miss
A penny saved is... not worth much
A rolling stone... might be going downhill
An idle mind is... probably mine
As you shall make your bed, so shall you... say "Ah, clean sheets!"
Better late than... way too early
Better to be safe than.. not
Children should be seen and not... obnoxious
Don't bite the hand that... is at the end of your own arm
Don't count your chickens...because they move all the time so it's too hard
Don't put off till tomorrow what you... can put off until next week
Early to bed, early to rise... how dreadful!
Happy the bride who... doesn't go into debt for the wedding
I think, therefore I... speak; no filter!
If at first you don't succeed... maybe you're not meant to
If you can't stand the heat... why are you in the sauna?
If you lie down with dogs, you'll... get up covered in hair
It's always darkest before... your eyes adjust
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and... I'll give you a kleenex
No news is... boring!
Never underestimate the power of... stupidity
The grass is always greener... in Washington
The pen is mightier than the... pencil
The squeaking wheel gets... annoying
To err is human... to forgive is much, much harder
Two's company, three's... kinky
Where there's smoke, there's... a cigarette
You can lead a horse to water, but... hei might kick you
You have nothing to fear but...spiders

That's all for now.