Monday, November 24, 2008

How can it have been so long?

I know I'm a blog slacker, but I was shocked to see my last blogging was in May!!

Okay, I was tagged at another blog. Here are the two tags:

Five Things That Make Me Happy

1. Babies
2. Sunshine
3. Snow
4. Clean sheets
5. Thinking about Maui

Seven Facts About Moi

1. On my recent cruise I did not gain any weight at all
2. I'm finally starting to feel like a pretty good singer
3. I wear two toe rings
4. I cannot stick up my right pinky finger (never have been able to do so)
5. My natural hair color is now dark brown
6. I voted on everything on my ballot except for the judges
7. I was recently one of the "stars" of a hypnotist's show!!

That's all for now. . .