Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another random photo. This time it's the sixth photo in the sixth folder. That would be Robin, wearing his pumpkin hat. Aaaaw!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Saw this on another blog. Very random. Post the fourth photo in the fourth folder of your photos. Well, this is it. This is Alyson, a neighbor and friend of Tia's. This was four years ago, I think. Isn't she lovely?

Six Things that Make me Happy

1. Sunshine. I find this time of year in Western Washington very hard because of the lack of sunshine. I miss it. I just have to imagine. . .
2. Babies. I haven't had a baby in my life for such a long time, though that may change fairly soon. In the meantime, I have a baby calendar up in both the kitchen and my scrappy room. I love the way babies feel, the sounds they make, the way they smell. . . they are delicious!
3. Reality tv. Yeah, that's kind of sad, isn't it. But what can I say? It's my mindless entertainment.
4. Singing. I don't do it enough. But I always feel happy when we are having our weekly singing rehearsal.
5. Flowers, especially forget-me-nots, tulips and jasmine blossoms. Maybe I should treat myself to some flowers to cheer up the house. Hmmm.
6. Snowfall. I love everything about it when it's coming down, or when there's freshly fallen snow. The way the world is hushed. Yet some sounds are magnified. The way it doesn't get that dark at night because of the light reflecting off the snow. How everything looks so pretty. How a snowflake is so very delicate, but millions and millions of them together are so powerful. We might get snow this weekend. Right now it's just COLD and foggy and grey.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

More of my Top Ten

Top Ten Layouts of 2008

Some people are posting their favorite ten layouts that they completed in 2008; here are my first eight; I need to get some more photos.

Update on all kinds of things

Here we go, an update on life 'n' stuff.

Chris: has settled in well in his new job at Microsoft, and his job is not threatened by the upcoming cuts. He is also settling into his new role as director of Side By Side, our singing group. Tonight we had our first rehearsal for the show we will be doing in May or June. The theme is "Songs for a New Depression." It's going to be awesome!
Quiera: is living in Walla Walla with her "spouses", Regina and Alex. Regina had a baby in early December, Isabell Grace, known as Bella. They also have three other children: Emmalee (10),
Brittan (boy, 5) and Cassidy (3). I'm not totally sure on those ages; I'll have to check. Quiera is currently staying home and sharing house and child duties with Regina. Despite none of her family being very happy about this arrangement, she seems to be doing well, and generally sounds happy when I talk to her on the phone, which is quite often.
Tia: is having health issues, as usual. We're seeing different specialists trying to come up with some relief for her. She is currently doing halftime school at home, only taking Russian, English and Algebra 2. Her abilities in Russian continue to astound me.
Me: I'm not working, and don't have anything coming up as far as performing, not until the SBS show. I've been chosen to direct a play reading this year, but the dates are currently up in the air. I hope to do a lot of crafting this year, write some theatrical pieces, sing and of course act. My health is okay, not perfect but not too bad either.

You are now officially updated!

A new year, a new me?

Not so much. I really want to turn my life around, and I have tons of good intentions and good ideas, but almost no follow-through. I am, however, glad to say goodbye to 2008, as it was not a good year. Mind you, there were some great highlights, especially Chris' and my trip to Maui.

I've only done one layout so far this year, but I'm going to try and start posting them here. This layout was for a challenge over at Creative Express. We were given the page layout or design, and had to go from there. Typical Taurus. My Quiera.